Framework agreement for electricity networks connection of public interest for consumption/consumption and production sites was approved, in case network operator concludes the agreement for design and/or execution of works for realization of connection installation.
Network operators and users are obliged to conclude, within a maximum period of 90 days from the entry into force of the framework agreement, additional acts to the connection agreements concluded from 31.12.2021.
If connection works include electrical installations with a voltage of 110 kV or higher, value of the works in agreement shall be updated, if necessary, after preparation of technical-economic documentation, in compliance with legal provisions.
Installations resulting from the works, financed by users, are property of the users and are operated by network operators, on basis of the framework agreement for handover of connection installation by user to the operator. If operator does not fulfil its obligations under the agreement, operator is obliged to pay as penalties an amount equivalent to the interest due for non-payment on time of obligations to the state budget, corresponding to total amount paid by user under agreement, for each day of delay, until actual fulfilment of obligations assumed.