In the previous article we have reviewed how the National Recovery and Resilience Plan(N.R.R.P.) will influence tax field in the next 5 years.Out of approx. Euro 29 billion allocated to Romania, approx. Euro 1.6 billion is dedicatedto…

In the previous article we have reviewed how the National Recovery and Resilience Plan(N.R.R.P.) will influence tax field in the next 5 years.Out of approx. Euro 29 billion allocated to Romania, approx. Euro 1.6 billion is dedicatedto…
În articolul precedent din aceasta serie am analizat modul în care Planul Naţional deRedresare şi Reziliență (P.N.R.R.) va influenţa domeniul fiscalităţii în următorii 5 ani.Dintre cele aprox. 29 de miliarde Euro alocate României, aprox. 1,6 miliarde Euro…
Considering the Order of Minister of Public Finance on establishment of financial institutionsthat have obligation to declare, categories of information regarding identification oftaxpayers, as well as information of a financial nature relating to accounts opened and/orclosed by…
Guidelines on conditions for accessing European funds related to National Recovery andResilience Plan for grant scheme for energy efficiency and resilience in multi-familyresidential buildings have been approved.Approved guidelines have as specific objectives the moderate or deep energy…
Guidelines on rules and conditions applicable to financing from European funds related toNational Recovery and Resilience Plan under Component 5 – Wave of Renovation, namelyAxis 2 – Grant Scheme for Energy Efficiency and Resilience in Public Buildings…
Guidelines for Applicants for the establishment of a State aid scheme to support investmentspromoting regional development through job creation have been approved.State aid scheme at regional development, through realisation of initial investments leading tocreation of at least…
Applicant’s Guide for establishment of state aid schemes at stimulating investments with amajor impact on economy has been approved.State aid scheme at regional development, by making initial investments in high-tech fixedassets for the production of high value-added…
Procedure for settling returns with negative amounts of value added tax with reimbursementoption submitted by taxable persons registered for VAT purposes was approved.In order to solve returns with negative amounts of VAT with reimbursement option,specialized department constitutes,…
Procedure has been approved with aim of establishing the financing conditions bytransmission and system operator or by distribution operator of objectives / pipelinesnecessary for connection to natural gas transmission or distribution system.Procedure is addressed to transmission and…