The model and content of form 112 were approved – “Statement regarding obligations to paysocial contributions, income tax and nominal record of insured persons”, respectively Annex1.1 “Employer Appendix” and no. 1.2 “Insured Appendix”.Statement is submitted: (i) monthly…
Aid Scheme was approved to support investments aimed at promoting production of energyfrom less exploited renewable sources, namely biomass, biogas and geothermal energy.Granting of state aids within state aid scheme is made based on art. 41 of…
The Procedure regarding organization of Register housing acquisitions with a reduced VATrate of 5% was approved.Register of housing acquisitions is organized in electronic format and is managed with thehelp of computer application provided by National Center for…
An ordinance was adopted which provides for modification and completion of somenormative acts, respectively the modification of some terms regarding Fiscal Code and FiscalProcedure Code.In case of applications, documents sent by the taxpayer / payer to the…
An emergency ordinance was adopted regarding the establishment of social protectionmeasures for employees and other professional categories in context of prohibition,suspension or limitation of economic activities, determined by epidemiological situationgenerated by spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.Thus, until March…
Decision was adopted that prolongs by 30 days the state alert on entire territory of country,established by Government Decision no. 394/2020 on declaration of state alert and measuresthat are applied during its duration to prevent and combat…
The model and content of Form 212 “Unique Statement on Income Tax and SocialContributions Due by Individuals” were approved.Form is used by individuals to declare income tax and social contributions due starting with2021, as well as to…
Romania’s Cyber Security Strategy for the period 2022-2027 was approved, as well as theAction Plan for implementation of Romania’s Cyber Security Strategy.Romania is present on map of cyber attack targets, constantly facing, both complex attacks,which aim to…
Procedure for determining the capacity available in electricity networks for connection ofnew electricity generation installations was approved, which will enter into force startingwith March 1, 2022.Procedure establishes rules for determining capacity available in electric transmissionnetworks and in…
An emergency ordinance was adopted establishing the legal framework regarding salesagreement concluded between the seller and the consumer, in particular norms regardingconformity of the goods, corrective measures in case of non-compliance, modalities ofimplementation of respective corrective measures,…