Aid Scheme was approved to support investments aimed at promoting production of energy
from less exploited renewable sources, namely biomass, biogas and geothermal energy.
Granting of state aids within state aid scheme is made based on art. 41 of Regulation (EU) no.
651/2014 of Commission of June 17, 2014, for investments intended to promote production
of energy from renewable sources and aims to achieve objectives assumed by Romania
supporting a low carbon economy. State aid scheme applies during validity of Regulation,
respectively until December 31, 2023.
Aid scheme is addressed to large, medium or small enterprises, micro-enterprises, including
newly established enterprises, whose accounts have not been approved, which have registered
in company’s statute the activity regarding production of electricity / heat.
Support measures granted to applicants for realization of investments consist in granting of
non-reimbursable financial allocations from European and national funds.
Maximum aid that can be granted for an investment project that cannot exceed Euros