The emergency ordinance was adopted regarding the establishment of the National CyberSecurity Directorate, a specialized body of the central public administration, subordinated tothe Government and coordinated by the Prime Minister, with legal personality, fully financedfrom the state…
A new ordinance was adopted that brings new amendments and completions regarding theFiscal Procedure Code and the regulation of new fiscal measures.The natural persons who carry out economic activities independently or exercise freeprofessions, according to the law,…
The Norm has been adopted, which applies to insurers who intend to carry out insuranceactivity on the Romanian territory, regardless of whether the supervisory regime in thirdcountries is declared or not declared equivalent.The norm is not applicable…
The law has been adopted which establishes the criteria for classification and single personsin the category of vulnerable energy consumers, and regulates social protection measures forthem regarding access to energy resources to meet the essential needs of…
The 2021 Financing Guide for Increasing Efficiency and Intelligent Energy Management inPublic Buildings was approved.The purpose of the Program is to increase the energy efficiency of public buildings andimprove the quality of the environment by reducing greenhouse…
The Applicant’s Guide elaborated based on the Government Decision no. 807/2014 for theestablishment of state aid schemes having as objective the stimulation of investments withmajor impact in the economy.The order is addressed to the General Directorate of…
The standard forms of the interim evaluation minutes, the form of the interim report of thestage regarding the selection of candidates, as well as the form of the procedure report,related to the procedures for awarding public /…
“Companies have the obligation to annually submit Statement on ultimate beneficial owner(UBO), and in 2021 the legal deadline shall expire on October 1 st , 2021.” Starting 2019 via the Law on preventing and combating money laundering…
New amendments and completions were adopted to Law no. 227/2015 regarding the FiscalCode.According to the amendments and completions, the taxable period for the fiscal year startsfrom the date of registration with the central fiscal body, for the…