The Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Permanent Technical Council forconstructions was approved, published on January 25, 2021 and enters into force within 60 daysfrom the moment of publication.The technical approvals in constructions under elaboration…
Considering the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 212/2020 regarding theestablishment of some measures at the level of the central public administration and ofmodification / completion of some normative acts, in corroboration with the Approval Report…
The Order for the approval of the model and the content of the forms used for declaring the taxesand fees with the establishment regime by self-taxation or withholding tax was adopted.In fact, Annex no. 1 – form…
Essential provisions have been adopted by the president of the National Agency for PublicProcurement regarding the performance of a agreement or a framework agreement in case thereis a need to amend it, for which the contracting authority…
The Procedure regarding the establishment of the amount representing up to 3,5% of the annualtax due for the support of the non-profit entities that are established and operate under theconditions of the law and the cult units,…
The order to amend Annex no. 1 to the Order of the President of the National Agency for FiscalAdministration on establishing the list of reporting jurisdictions, with which Romania willcooperate based on the Multilateral Agreement of the…
The model and content of form 212 – Unique statement on income tax and social contributionsdue by natural persons was approved.The form is used by natural persons to declare the income tax and social contributions due since2020,…
Considering the deposit guarantee schemes, the Guarantee Fund establishes the content and the way ofpresenting the information necessary for the depositors to identify the Fund as a statutory depositguarantee scheme officially recognized on the Romanian territory, of…
The list of tariffs for access to the Register of Real Beneficiaries kept by the National Office of theTrade Register was approved.The tariffs for the access to the Register of real beneficiaries are paid exclusively online, through…
The provisions of the established aid scheme aim at unblocking the access to financing of companiesthat face a liquidity deficit generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to continue their activity,state aid that comes in the form…