The Regulation, as amended, establishes the procedure for electronic transmission to theFinancial Supervisory Authority, through electronic reporting systems, of the reportsprovided by the capital market legislation by the entities regulated and supervised by theFinancial Supervisory Authority.The following…
The registration upon request for VAT purposes, as well as the cancellation ex officio ofthe registration for VAT purposes of taxable persons which present a high fiscal risk, isperformed by the department with attributions in the field…
Considering the Order of the President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, thetaxable persons applying the VAT collection system will submit to the competent fiscaladministration bodies a notification stating that the turnover does not exceed the…
The procedure for canceling the accessory payment obligations was approved, the procedureapplied by the county employment agencies, as well as by the Bucharest municipality and theregional centers for adult vocational training subordinated to the National Agency forEmployment.The…
The Regulation establishing stages and conditions for connection to natural gas distributionsystem was approved, that contributes to ensuring a unitary, transparent and non-discriminatory framework regarding the process of connection to the distribution system.Within maximum 30 days from…
A new Emergency Ordinance on the Support Program for Small and Medium Enterprises wasadopted, a program that includes the Subprogram for Support the Small and Medium Enterprisesand Small Enterprises with Medium Market Capitalization, in the field of…
The Monitoring Methodology was approved, with the aim of establishing by ANRE the publicservice of thermal energy supply in centralized system (SPAET) and of the urban heating and /or cooling systems (DHC).This methodology establishes the parameters used…
The order was adopted which establishes the eligibility criteria, the specific conditions and theway of implementing the payment schemes provided in the Emergency Ordinance no. 11/2021for the approval of payment schemes and some guarantee instruments that are…
An emergency ordinance was adopted establishing the legal framework regarding theestablishment of a state aid scheme regarding the granting of financing from national publicfunds and / or from external funds for the enterprises in the field of…
The order for approving the Registration Procedure for value added tax purposes was adopted,according to the provisions of art. 316 para. 1 lit. a), b) or c) of Law no. 227/2015 regarding theFiscal Code.The registration for VAT…