The Rules on the Regulation, Recognition, Approval or Acceptance of the Remote PersonIdentification Procedure Using Video Means have been approved.The activity of identifying the person remotely by video means by the providers of servicesfor identifying the person…
The State aid scheme – Support for SMEs in order to overcome the economic crisis generatedby the Covid-19 pandemic – productive investments, related to the CompetitivenessOperational Program, was approved, being financed from external non-reimbursable funds.The objective of…
The Procedure for granting the payment rescheduling in a simplified form was approved bythe central fiscal body.The procedure applies to the main fiscal obligations and outstanding accessories whoseseniority is of maximum 12 months prior to the submission…
The Procedure for the use and operation of the national system regarding the electronicinvoice RO e-Invoice was approved, as well as for the receipt and download of the electronicinvoice by the recipients of the issued electronic invoice.The…
The model and content of form (010) regarding the Declaration of fiscal registration forentities without legal personality, form (013) – Declaration of fiscal registration for non-resident taxpayers operating in Romania through permanent establishments, form (015) –Declaration of…
Economic operators, respectively any entity that carries out an economic activity consistingin the execution of works, delivery of goods / products and / or provision of services, whichissue electronic invoices to other economic operators may opt for…
The procedure applies to individuals who have benefited from the monthly compensation of75% of the average gross salary, respectively to persons who have not declared the socialinsurance contribution due for the compensations received.Taxpayers who have submitted the…
The appeal was admitted in the interest of the law regarding the authorization of theexecution of the construction works regarding the term of entry into legality established in thereport of finding the contravention, a term that is…
Non-patrimonial legal entities that have chosen a financial year different from the calendaryear have the obligation to notify the territorial unit of the Ministry of Finance about thechosen financial year at least 30 calendar days before the…
The expiration date of a P.U.Z. varies from one Territorial Administrative Unit to another.This term can oscillate in practice from 3 years to 10 years or until the approval date of anurban planning documentation containing different regulations.…