The Rules on the Regulation, Recognition, Approval or Acceptance of the Remote Person
Identification Procedure Using Video Means have been approved.
The activity of identifying the person remotely by video means by the providers of services
for identifying the person remotely by video means, registered in Romania, can be performed
only after obtaining the approval issued by the Romanian Digitization Authority. The
Romanian Digitization Authority will issue the approval within 30 calendar days from the
submission of the complete documentation.
The trusted service provider can identify the person remotely using video means either in
order to issue qualified certificates, or as a third party to verify the person’s identity. The
provider has the obligation to notify the Authority, as a surveillance body, 30 days before the
use of video means to identify the person at a distance.
Before developing a procedure for identifying the person remotely using video means, the
identification service provider will perform a risk analysis, which must cover in particular the
risks related to the presentation of forged identity documents, communication channels, and
risks of incorrect preservation of evidence.