Procedure for communication by electronic means of remote transmission between centraltax office and natural persons, legal persons and other entities without legal personality hasbeen approved. Communication by electronic means of remote transmission is carried out via“Spatiul Privat…
The law amending and supplementing the Law on Environmental Noise Assessment andManagement has been adopted.Noise reduction and/or management measures are based on action plans made by means ofstrategic noise maps in which implementation deadlines are included, including…
The law regulating legal framework for re-use of data and documents held by public entitiesand public enterprises has been adopted.In other words, any natural person or entity may submit a request for re-use of documents toany public…
Amending law of Article 34 Labour Code was adopted.According to the new amendments introduced, Art. 34 para. 3 Labour Code, provides thatlevel and speciality of studies completed are among the identification elements of employeesin General Register of…
Romania has undertaken the obligation through the N.R.R.P. to adopt in the first quarter of2023 the Code of Territorial Planning, Urbanism and Construction (C.A.T.U.C.). Thus, theNational Recovery and Resilience Plan (N.R.R.P.) also contains a real estate component…
New amendments and additions to the Tax Code have been adopted.In case of determining the income from transactions with derivative financial instruments thatare not carried out through a defined intermediary, Romanian tax resident or non-residentwho has a…