The law amending and supplementing the Law on Environmental Noise Assessment and
Management has been adopted.
Noise reduction and/or management measures are based on action plans made by means of
strategic noise maps in which implementation deadlines are included, including in case of
quiet areas, authorities responsible for their implementation being the central public
authorities for environmental protection or county agencies for environmental protection or
Bucharest Environmental Protection Agency, as appropriate.
When drawing up the action plans, data and information obtained from previous strategic
noise maps shall be used, taking into account the content of previous action plans, which use
noise maps showing the exceedance of a limit value and comparative maps, as well as
methods of assessing the harmful effects based on dose-effect applications for which 1 dB
values are used.
Calculation of road and rail traffic noise and calculation of industrial noise shall be carried
out in one-octave bands, except for the calculation of the sound power of the rail traffic noise
source, for which one-third octave bands shall be used.