Through the new law obligations for consultants and supervisors are established, in order to hold them accountable in projects financed from public funds, especially those from European funds. The Law on quality in construction has recently been…

Through the new law obligations for consultants and supervisors are established, in order to hold them accountable in projects financed from public funds, especially those from European funds. The Law on quality in construction has recently been…
Following a new law at the end of last week, the signature specimen and the trader’s signature will be able to be replaced by the power of attorney. In addition, the criminal record and the civil status…
On September 21st, 2020, the President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority adopted the Order for the approval of framework contracts for connection to electricity networks of public interest for place of consumption / place of production…
The guidelines of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania (PNRR) have been established for the use of the approximately EUR 80 billion (more precisely EUR 79.9 billion) allocated to Romania within the Recovery and Resilience…
Starting with January 1st, 2022, a new law will enter into force on the sale of goods to consumers online and through traditional means. This is in the project stage. A new law on the sale of…
Based on a recent Decision issued by the President of the National Authority for Digitization of Romania, the norms for ensuring access to the S.E.A.P. by managing authorities, intermediate bodies and audit bodies, are established. Thus, an…
Starting January 1st, 2021, for the 2021-2025 period, the following reductions for taxpayers paying income tax will be applied, namely: a) 2%, if the accounting equity, presented in the annual financial statements, respectively in the annual accounting…
The Implementing Rules of the SMEs Leasing Program have been published, which benefit from a coverage level guarantee for 2020, of 1.5 billion lei. The Methodological Norms for the implementation of the Program for the Support of…
Following an Emergency Ordinance issued in March 2020 requiring public authorities to receive electronically signed documents, an Order was published regulating the manner in which, at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, electronically signed documents…
The procedure for the allowance settlement for days off granted to parents was approved The procedure regarding the settlement of the allowance granted to parents for days off, in the event of limitation or suspension of teaching…