The guidelines of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania (PNRR) have been established for the use of the approximately EUR 80 billion (more precisely EUR 79.9 billion) allocated to Romania within the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (MRR) of the European Union.
According to a recently issued Government Emergency Ordinance, the guidelines of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania (P.N.R.R.) for the use of the approximately EUR 80 billion (more precisely EUR 79.9 billion) allocated to Romania under the Mechanism of Recovery and Resilience (M.R.R.) of the European Union have been established. P.N.R.R. will be approved by Government Decision for the purpose of negotiation with the European Commission.
Of the total amount mentioned above: EUR 30.4 billion is allocated to the “Recovery and Resilience Mechanism” funding instrument, EUR 13.7 billion in the form of grants and EUR 16.6 billion in the form of loans.
Public procurement contracts or sectoral contracts must be concluded by the end of 2022 at the latest, for at least 70% of the amount allocated in the form of a grant, and by the end of 2023, for the remaining amount.
P.N.R.R. eligible for funding are: infrastructure projects adapted to climate change, urban mobility, health, water-sewerage, the judiciary and defense system, etc.
When issuing building permits for projects financed by European funds, applicants are required to provide proof of expropriation of land and buildings, as appropriate.
The Ministry of European Funds will organize a call for projects for urban mobility, urban regeneration, tourism, culture, etc. between October 1, 2020 – February 28, 2021.
The eligible projects must have a value ranging from EUR 10 million and EUR 75 million. The financing projects concluded with the final beneficiaries will be concluded according to the principle of first come – first served. The final beneficiaries are the local public authorities at the level of county residence municipalities, municipalities and cities.