The decision was adopted regarding the establishment of the guarantee-return system forunusable primary packaging which has as object the management of packaging andpackaging waste. The guarantee-return system forces into operation starting with October 1, 2022 and ismandatory…
Considering the evolutions of the labor market and the relations between employer andemployee, the phenomenon called “gray work” was identified, which consists not only inconcealing an individual full-time employment contract in an individual part-timeemployment contract, but and…
Starting with January 1, 2022, the minimum gross basic salary in the country guaranteed inpayment is established in cash, without including bonuses and other additions, at the amountof 2,550 per month, for a normal working schedule of…
For the period of temporary suspension of the individual employment contract, at theinitiative of the employer, as a result of the effects produced by the SARS-CoV-2coronavirus, unemployment insurance budget, but not more than 75% of the average…
An emergency ordinance was adopted granting paid days off to parents and other categoriesof people in the context of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.The free days granted are granted for the supervision of children up to…
The Payment Guide for the establishment of state aid schemes was approved, with theobjective of stimulating investments with a major impact on the economy.In order to pay the state aid, the beneficiary enterprise must start the investment…
The High Court was notified in order to rule on the referral in the interest of the law on thelegal situation that reflects the decision of the local council approving a zonal urban plan,being asked whether it…
The vaccination lottery consists in the random drawing of numbers, in order to award cashprizes to all vaccinated persons with the complete vaccination scheme.The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism establishes the annual prize fundfor the Vaccination…