The High Court was notified in order to rule on the referral in the interest of the law on the
legal situation that reflects the decision of the local council approving a zonal urban plan,
being asked whether it is an individual administrative act or an normative act.
The considerations of the High Court of Cassation and Justice provide that the decision of the
local council approving the zonal urban plan is an administrative act of a normative nature, as
it starts from highlighting the criteria for differentiating between the two categories of
normative acts. Detailing, the High Court is of the opinion that the normative administrative
act is issued for the purpose of organizing the execution of the law and includes abstract
formulated regulations, in principle binding for an indeterminate number of persons or
situations that fall, and regarding the individual administrative act, this is a manifestation of
will that creates, modifies or abolishes rights and obligations for the benefit or task of one or
more persons, addressing a certain recipient or a plurality of recipients.
Following the opinions expressed, the High Court admitted the referral in the interest of the
law, mentioning that the decision of the local council approving a zonal urban plan represents
an administrative act of normative character.