The law has been adopted which establishes the criteria for classification and single persons
in the category of vulnerable energy consumers, and regulates social protection measures for
them regarding access to energy resources to meet the essential needs of the household, in
order to prevent and combat energy poverty.
The financial social protection measures consist in granting aid intended to ensure the
minimum energy needs such as the aid for heating the house, the aid for energy consumption
intended to cover a part of the energy consumption of the household throughout the year,
respectively the aid for purchasing products and services, in order to increase the energy
performance of buildings or to connect to energy sources.
The aid for heating the house is granted for a single system used for heating the house, during
the cold season, declared by the single person, respectively by a family member who has full
capacity to exercise civil rights, who becomes the holder of the aid.
The heating allowance is granted only for a single house, respectively the domicile house or,
as the case may be, the residence house.