The decision on the Methodological Norms for the application of social protection measures
for the vulnerable energy consumer was approved, applicable starting with November 1,
Vulnerable energy consumers benefit during the cold season from heating aids and a heating
supplement to cover all or part of their heating costs.
Heating allowances are granted on the basis of an application and a declaration on one’s own
responsibility regarding the composition of the family and its income, as well as the movable
and immovable property owned.
The heating allowances and the energy supplement are granted according to the average
monthly net income per family member, respectively of the single person, by compensating
the percentage of the heating expenses.
In case of establishing the right to the aid for electricity, the mayor obligatorily orders the
social investigation to be carried out at the domicile or residence of the aid holder, in order to
verify the heating system used. The social survey is carried out by the organized public social
assistance service.