An emergency ordinance was adopted establishing the legal framework regarding sales
agreement concluded between the seller and the consumer, in particular norms regarding
conformity of the goods, corrective measures in case of non-compliance, modalities of
implementation of respective corrective measures, as well as commercial guarantees in order
to ensure a high level of consumer protection.
The emergency ordinance does not apply to agreements for the provision of digital content or
digital services. However, as an exception, this applies to digital content or digital services
that are incorporated into or interconnected with the goods and that are provided with goods
together with goods that make up the sales agreement.
The consumer exercises his right to obtain termination of agreement of sale by a statement to
the seller, by which he expresses his decision to obtain the termination of sale agreement.
If the non-conformity relates only to some of goods delivered under the sale agreement and
there is a reason for termination of sale agreement, the consumer may obtain the termination
of sale agreement in relation to those goods and any other goods that consumer has purchased
them together with the non-compliant goods, in case the consumer cannot reasonably be
expected to agree to keep only the compliant goods.