In the previous article we have reviewed how the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
(N.R.R.P.) will influence tax field in the next 5 years.
Out of approx. Euro 29 billion allocated to Romania, approx. Euro 1.6 billion is dedicated
to energy, one of the 15 chapters of N.R.R.P.
Energy related measures concern development of renewable energy capacities, development
of green hydrogen production capacities or increasing industrial energy efficiency.
Government has undertaken the following objectives:
Adoption by Q2-2022 of decarbonization legislation that will involve, among others,
complete decommissioning of coal / lignite-based electricity production capacity by 2032.
Until Q2-2023 a 15% shares package in Hidroelectrica will be traded on stock exchange.
National Strategy for Hydrogen from Renewable Sources will be adopted by Q1-2023,
having as target January 1 st , 2026 on mandatory use by end users of machines and equipment
prepared for hydrogen.
Until Q4-2023 the agreement for construction of a hydrogen distribution network in Oltenia
region will be signed, that will transport 100% renewable hydrogen by 2030.
Regarding battery storage capacity, until Q3-2022 agreements for development of battery
storage capacity of at least 240 MW will be signed, and by Q4-2025 an at least 2 GW per
year manufacturing and assembly batteries capacity will be operationalized.
By Q4-2025 at least 50 projects to increase industrial energy efficiency will be completed,
with the aim of achieving reduction of at least 30% in indirect emissions.