Codification process of norms applicable to the activity of public administration was triggered at the beginning of the 2000s, through the adoption of draft codes and, respectively, decisions of the Government approving the preliminary theses of these codes.
By means of the codification process, the aim is to ensure legislative coherence in the field of procedural administrative law, and to build a new form of normative framework, clearer, more concise, effective, coherent and complete, on the existing elements validated over time as effective.
Clearer and more predictable rules will contribute, over time, to simplifying the activity of public authorities and institutions and citizens, will increase citizens’ trust in the administration, and the simplification measures will contribute to the reduction of administrative costs. Also, the existence of procedures that follow a general pattern, with identical or similar main elements, will support and potentiate, over time, the digitization efforts of the entire public administration.
Administrative Code procedure will include rules of a general nature, but very precise, which will establish the compliant standard for the development of regional administrative procedures that will have to be updated within a defined term established in the final provisions chapter. Purpose of the code, as a standardizing factor, is ensured by the elements of complementarity.