Methodological Norms for the application of provisions Law no. 196/2016 on minimum inclusion income have been approved and will enter into force as starting with January 1st, 2024.
Beneficiaries of the law are families and single persons, Romanian citizens who are domiciled or, where applicable, reside in Romania. In the case of homeless people, minimum inclusion income is granted only if they are registered by the public social assistance services of the administrative-territorial units where they live.
Minimum inclusion income is granted at the request of the person or the family representative and on the basis of a personal statement.
Maximum amount of the inclusion allowance established by law is 275 lei/month/family member, with the exception of the single person aged at least 65, for whom the maximum amount is 400 lei/month.
Families with dependent children whose adjusted net income per family member is up to 700 lei/month are eligible for the family allowance.
Payment of the minimum inclusion income is made on the basis decision of executive director territorial agency for payments and social inspection.