The law on amendments and completions to the foreigners ordinance has been adopted.
Foreigners who entered Romania for the purpose of employment are extended the right of temporary stay for work purposes if they present the individual full-time employment agreement, registered in the general register of employees, which shows that the salary is at least at the level of the minimum gross basic salary per country guaranteed in payment. In the case of highly qualified workers, the salary must be at least at the level of the average gross wage.
A foreigner who holds a valid EU Blue Card issued by a member state that fully applies the Schengen acquis may enter and stay in Romania, in order to carry out an economic activity, for a period of 90 days in any period of 180 days, without being required to hold an employment permit issued under the special legislation on employment and detachment of foreigners in Romania.
The approval or rejection of the application for issuing the EU Blue Card shall be communicated by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, in writing, to the first member state, within 30 days from the date of the decision, when Romania is the second member state, together with the reasons for the rejection of the application.