The Order for the approval of the Performance Standard regulating the quality of the
electricity distribution service was approved.
The standard is applied on the one hand in the relations between the distribution operators
and the users connected to the electricity distribution network, and on the other hand also in
the relations between the distribution operators and the holders of the connection requests to
the electricity network of public interest.
At the same time, there are exceptions from which the provisions of the standard are not
applicable, more precisely in case of unnatural operation of the electrical transmission
network and system, although the distribution operator has taken all measures to limit the
effects of the cause that causes unnatural operation, respectively in force majeure situations
that affected the distribution operators.
In order to follow the continuity and quality of the electricity, the distribution operator
monitors it with the help of quality analyzers.
In relation to the commercial quality of the distribution service, the distribution operator is
obliged to respond, within 30 calendar days, to all requests / notifications received regarding
the distribution service.