Accounting Reporting System at June 30th 2022 of economic operators has been approved, applicable to entities which the Accounting Regulations on annual individual financial statements and annual consolidated financial statements apply and which in the previous financial year recorded a net turnover greater than equivalent in euro of 1,000,000.
In case of legal entities that have sub-units without legal personality, the activity carried out by these sub-units shall be aggregated by legal entity preparing the accounting report at June 30th 2022. Foreign legal entities that have their place of effective management in Romania are not subject to accounting reporting at June 30th 2022.
Entities are obliged to prepare and submit accounting reports at June 30th 2022 to territorial units of Ministry of Finance, regardless of their form of organisation and form of ownership.
The accounting reports at June 30th 2022 shall also be signed by administrator or persons who have the duty of managing the entity. The accounting reports at June 30th 2022 shall be submitted to territorial units of Ministry of Finance by August 16th 2022 at the latest. Failure to submit reports shall be sanctioned according to provisions mentioned in Accounting law.