State aid and de minimis scheme “Grants to support entrepreneurs in the development of advanced digital technologies” has been approved.
Scheme establishes state aid and de minimis measures under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) in the development and implementation of advanced digital technologies as follows: AI, data and cloud computing, blockchain technology, high performance and quantum computing, internet of things, cyber security, which could further contribute to increasing competitiveness, fostering innovation of these companies and facilitating new ways of working. The main objective is regional development and job creation by supporting entrepreneurs (SMEs) in the development and implementation of advanced digital technologies.
State aid and de minimis scheme is financed from European funds allocated to Romania through the NRRP, in accordance with the law. Aid is granted only under the conditions and criteria laid down in the state aid and de minimis scheme, within the limit of the available budget.
Cumulative amount of non-reimbursable funding that can be granted for a project in the form of state aid and de minimis aid is a minimum of Euro 500,000 and a maximum of Euro 3,000,000 the amounts mentioned being calculated at the exchange rate on the date of the call for projects.