For the sites classified as contaminated, including for the orphaned contaminated sites, the
County Agency for Environmental Protection and the Bucharest Environmental Protection
Agency decide to remedy and subsequently monitor their post-remediation.
If the surface of the site is divided between several owners / economic operators, they can
associate in order to carry out the preliminary investigation report / detailed investigation and
risk assessment / feasibility study / remediation project / post-remediation monitoring report.
Holders / economic operators can submit to the Environmental Protection Agency a single
investigation report.
Moreover, for contaminated sites, including orphaned contaminated sites, the Environmental
Protection Agency shall notify within 30 days the landowner / economic operator regarding
the need to carry out the remediation by issuing the Decision on remediation of the
contaminated site.
Based on the remediation decision, the landowner / economic operator has the obligation to
prepare the feasibility study and the remediation project through natural and legal persons
accredited for carrying out activities in the field of management of contaminated sites, within
the deadline set by the Environmental Protection Agency.