Regulation on connection to natural gas distribution system was approved.
Regulation establishes stages and conditions of connection to existing or non-existing natural
gas distribution system, which operates in high, medium, low or reduce pressure regime.
Request for connection to distribution system is submitted to the operator of distribution
system, accompanied by supporting documents and proof of payment, in full, of tariff for
analysis of request for connection to distribution system.
Upon request for connection to natural gas distribution system, in case it is completed
correctly and completely, distribution system operator issues within 30 days from registration
of request a technical approval of connection (ATR) or technical approval of principle (ATP).
ATP does not take place of ATR.
Applicants have the right to notify ANRE regarding violation by distribution system
operators, economic operators authorized by ANRE for project, economic operators
authorized by ANRE for execution, respectively project verifiers certified by ANRE, after
having previously addressed distribution system operator to clarify aspects regarding the
connection process to distribution system.