The decision to amend and supplement H.G. no. 332/2014, regarding the establishment of a State aid scheme, in order to support investments that promote regional development through jobs creation, was recently adopted.
According to the decision, agreements can be issued to finance the aid scheme until December 31st, 2023. It is absolutely necessary to comply with state aid legislation and the regional map authorized by the European Commission, within the annual budget allocated to the scheme. The payment of state aid will be made during 2025 – 2028.
The implementation of the aid scheme will be in compliance with the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2020/1,039 of July 14th, 2020, regarding the conditionality of the granting of State financial support for Union undertakings by the absence of links with non-cooperating jurisdictions.
The Ministry of Public Finance has the obligation to publish on its website the full text of this scheme, the date from which applications for financing agreement may be registered and the annual budget allocated to the scheme, the date of exhaustion of the annual budget and the total budget allocated to the scheme, in accordance with the provisions of the annual budget laws. In fact, the registration of applications for financing agreements starts from the date communicated by the Ministry of Public Finance on its website.
The Ministry of Public Finance completes the process of evaluating the application for financing agreement within a maximum of 30 working days from the date on which all documentation is considered complete.