Law on public-private partnership was adopted. The law provides certain amendments and additions which have an impact on the grounds for starting a procedure for awarding a public-private partnership contract and implementing the project, provided that the…
Law on the global minimum level of taxation of multinational entities groups and large national groups was adopted. The law applies to the incorporating entities established in Romania, members of a group of multinational entities or a…
Methodology regarding prevention and combating of harassment on the basis of sex, as well as moral harassment at the workplace, was approved. Purpose of present methodology is to ensure equal opportunities and treatment between women and men…
Codification process of norms applicable to the activity of public administration was triggered at the beginning of the 2000s, through the adoption of draft codes and, respectively, decisions of the Government approving the preliminary theses of these…
New modifications and amendments were adopted to the law on combating ragweed. In order to destroy ragweed and prevent its spread, owners or holders of land, managers of public roads, railways, waterways, lakes, irrigation systems and fish…
The methodological norms for monitoring the activities of innovation and technology transfer infrastructure entities have been approved. The approved norms establish the way of carrying out the monitoring process, the specific responsibilities and the way of carrying…
The procedure for establishing the tax on income from the transfer of agricultural land located extramuros / control package of legal entities owning one or more agricultural land located extramuros has been adopted. The procedure is applied…
The ordinance on regulation water quality intended for human consumption has been adopted with the aim of protecting human health against adverse effects and improving access to drinking water. Drinking water must be sanitary and clean and…
An ordinance introducing measures to strengthen discipline in construction has been adopted. According to the new measures introduced, in case of constructions executed without a building permit or with non-compliance with its provisions, representatives State Building Department…
Technical regulation regarding the energy performance calculation methodology was approved by order of the Minister of Development, Public Works and Administration. Services for the development of energy performance certificates and/or energy audits of buildings are completed in…